How To Treat & Prevent Mask Acne

Photo Courtesy of Slip

Everyone has been having a tough time with their skin since we started wearing masks regularly. The breakouts have been so bad and frustrating. Today I am sharing tips on how to prevent mask acne as well as the products you should use to treat it! First, we have to talk about what causes mask acne because there are two main causes:

Cause #1: Friction! Friction from the mask rubbing around your face. This creates irritation and then in turn creates acne.

Cause #2: Bacteria. Bacteria gets caught underneath the mask and just sits there and creates breakouts.

What are the steps you need to take to 1) prevent breakouts and 2) treat any current mask acne you have? Keep on reading for our tips!

Tip #1: Mask Fit.

You need to ensure your mask fits properly! If the mask is too loose it slides around your face too much and creates friction which in turn causes acne. You also need to ensure it is not too tight because then it again will create friction. A well-fitted mask is important! Luckily they make clothes masks that can be adjusted by head size.

Tip #2 Mask Material.

Moving on from traditional cloth masks will really help avoid friction, silk masks are great for that! They have the perfect amount of slip to avoid friction. There are a ton of awesome silk masks out there to choose from and they will be great not just for breakouts but also wrinkles.

Photo: Courtesy Of Slip

Photo: Courtesy Of Slip


Tip #3: Wash Your Mask!

This feels like common sense but it is something people do not think about enough. You HAVE TO wash your mask a lot. A lot of the time we take our masks off, throw them in and out of our purses or pockets, and forget to wash them. Not washing your mask will keep the bacteria there and either make current breakouts worse or create new breakouts. If possible while washing your mask it is also helpful to avoid scented soap which can at times make irritations worse.

Tip #4: Wash You Face.

Another tip that seems obvious but people something neglect. Make sure you as washing your face twice a day and with a gentle cleanser! This will really help because gentle cleansers will a) not strip or dry out the skin and b) get the skin ready for before & after you wear a mask.

Photo: Courtesy Of Kinship

Photo: Courtesy Of Kinship


Tip #5: Fight Bacteria!

This is a really important tip because bacteria get trapped under the masks and get into your pores and cause breakouts. There are a lot of ways to fight bacteria. One is benzoyl peroxide which is a lot harsher than what I recommend or use myself but it’s very effective for a lot of people. Another is using a more clean and less toxic option like tea tree oil which is amazing at fighting bacteria. I use Tree Tea and it is great because it isn’t harsh, doesn’t dry out the skin, and is super effective. There are so many great tea tree oils out there that will really help with combating bacteria!

Photo: Courtesy Of The Body Shop

Photo: Courtesy Of The Body Shop


Tip #6: Exfoliate.

This is really important in general when dealing with acne! Exfoliating is important to bacteria doesn’t get caught underneath a layer of dry skin which in turn causes acne. There are so many different exfoliating products out there and when it comes to dealing with mask acne chemical exfoliants are best. I know that the word “chemical” in front of anything is scary but the products themselves aren’t scary, I promise. They will make a world of difference when it comes to your mask acne and the marks they leave behind on your skin. Physical exfoliates can create serious irritations which can make breakouts worse or they can scratch the skin which then can be an issue when bacteria is involved. Scratching the skin when there is bacteria involved can be bad because not only can you get acne but you can also get infected scratches. NO ONE wants that!

Photo: Courtesy of Farmacy

Photo: Courtesy of Farmacy


Tip #7 Zit Stickers.

They are so good at pulling everything out of your breakouts. You put them on, leave them on during the day or all night (or both) and you will literally see on the sticker all the bacteria and stuff that was pulled out of the breakout. They literally are the most helpful products out there and I cannot be without them. There are a ton out there on the market but I have found two amazing, non-toxic ones that are by far the best. The first is the RAEL Miracle Patches. These are BY FAR the most invisible and if you are going to be wearing them during the day they are amazing because you literally cannot see them on the skin. They also work so well! The second is the Alba Zit Sticker which is also really good it just is not as invisible. This one is also easier to buy because they have it at target and drugstores! Both of these patches are miracles and you cannot go wrong with either.

Photo: Courtesy Of Rael

Photo: Courtesy Of Rael

Photo: Courtesy Of Alba

Photo: Courtesy Of Alba


Tip #8 detox your skin.

Having some detox treatments at home to pull the crap out of your skin and keep it looking nice is really important when fighting acne in general. When fighting acne I find a face mask and face oil is really key and helpful! You can use them after often or not as you want and they just keep your skin in check. When you wearing a mask, pollutants from the world (especially if you live in a city) and sweat, dirt…etc get trapped in there. Having something easy that you can rely on to help with those issues is key. The Detox face mask from Caudalie and the Detox Overnight face oil from Caudalie are holygrail for me. You cannot go wrong with these and they are literally life-changing. The oil sinks into the skin and is perfect for when you are having a sudden breakout. The face mask is perfect for maintenance or when you trying to deal with a breakout and it is super easy to remove for a clay mask!

Photo: Courtesy Of Caudalie

Photo: Courtesy Of Caudalie

Photo: Courtesy Of Caudalie

Photo: Courtesy Of Caudalie